How to care for your Air-conditioners Leave a comment

Air-conditioning systems are not cheap, and skipping the maintenance, could be the difference between a system that requires frequent cost repairs, and one that runs smoothly for years to come. Therefore, we take a look at necessary measurements to be taken, to ensure your air -conditioners  are properly maintained.

1. Get the air filter, washed and cleaned, once monthly: Changing the air filter on your air-conditioning system on a regular basis is arguably the best thing you can do to maintain your air-conditioners, it is also one of the easiest, and can be done within minutes.. The air filter functions in preventing or stopping particulars like dust, dander, and dirts from infiltrating the rooms of your home, but an air filter, can only function efficiently if it’s clean and not bogged down with the excess particulate matter . Dirty air filter not only put excess strain on your airconditioners, it also hinders the air quality in the home.

2. Get the coils cleaned: Getting the coils cleaned, involves the following necessary steps:

a. inspect the coils.

b. remove debris with a coil brush.

c. straighten the coil fins with a fin comb.

d. wet the coils, and coat with coil cleaner.

e. wash away the coil cleaner with water.

3. Get the Condensate Drain Inspected: This is an integral part of any air-conditioning system, allowing the condensation created within the system to drain out. Over-time, the condensate drain can become clogged, thereby, impeding drainage, so to ensure your air-conditioners are functioning efficiently, periodic check of the condensate drain is vital,in order to ensure it’s draining properly. However, if there are obstructions in the draining system,then unclog the obstruction or contact any local aircon company.

4. Regular Professional Maintenance.






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